Legal Notes

1.     Scope of validity
Purchase orders received by SIGUM SALINA  srl, having its registered office in Via SACLO 41 98050 MALFA  and made on-line through the homepage www.hotelsignum.it , are regulated exclusively by the following general terms and conditions of contract, and have to be made according to the procedures in force at the time the order is placed.

The text may be downloaded by the customer to his/her own PC or printed. SIGNUM SALINA srl will not acknowledge any different conditions set out by the customer, unless it has previously approved them in writing.

2.      Availability and main characteristics of products
All the characteristics of products available for order, including the sales price, are indicated on the website www.hotelsignum.it  and may be viewed when filling out the order, before concluding the agreement. All sales prices include VAT.
Should one or more products not be available (despite the fact that the automatic order confirmation is sent) SIGNUM SALINA shall contact the customer and inform him/her that the requested products are partially or totally unavailable. Moreover, SIGNUM SALINA srl undertakes to notify the details of the updated order (available products and quantities) and the correct amount due, or else shall inform the customer that, due to the unavailability  of the purchased products, the order and the amount due by credit card have been cancelled.

3.     Conclusion of the agreement
The applicable product prices shall be those published on the website at the time the order is placed; customers are requested to fill out the purchase order form when placing an order. 
The agreement between SIGNUM SALINA srl and the customer shall be deemed concluded upon written confirmation by SIGNUM SALINA  srl of the purchase order received from the customer. When placing an order, customers are requested to duly fill out the apposite form in all its parts and send it to SIGNUM SALINA  srl, that shall accept the order by sending an order confirmation email to the customer.
Only the order confirmation by SIGNUM SALINA  srl entitle customers to receive the goods.

4.     Delivery of goods
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, SIGNUM SALINA srl shall deliver its goods to the address indicated by the customer in the relevant order form. Upon delivery of the goods by SIGNUM SALINA  srl, or one of its representatives, to the  forwarding agent, the customer shall become liable for any risk concerning the goods – also in case of partial delivery.
Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, with regards to any delivery terms, SIGNUM SALINA srl shall deliver the goods within 30 days from receipt of the order confirmation.
SIGNUM SALINA srl  ensures fast delivery (7/14 days) and, in any case, within 30 days from the order confirmation date.

5.     Shipping costs
SIGNUM SALINA  srl shall deliver its products exclusively within the European Union, by means of duly appointed forwarding agents.

6.     Payment
The purchase price becomes due immediately, upon order confirmation. The applicable product prices shall be those in force at the time the order is received.
Payment shall be made by credit card.  SIGNUM SALINA srl accepts Visa, Master-/Eurocard, American Express and Mastercard. Credit card data shall be entered when placing the order, directly on the web page. Data will be transmitted directly to our server, over a secure connection (128-bits SSL encryption). As soon as the transaction is completed, data will automatically be deleted from the server. This way we can ensure maximum security. Naturally, it is also possible to provide the credit card details by phone.
Or if you prefer you can pay by bank transfer to IBAN indicated   on the order  confirmation.
In case of payment by bank transfer the order will not sbe shipped until  confirmation by the bank that the transfer has taken place.

7.     Right of withdrawal
According to art. 64 of Leg. Dec. 206/2005, the customer shall have the right to withdraw from the contract, without giving any reasons and without incurring any penalty, within 10 days from receipt of goods, by sending a written notice by means of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, addressed to SIGNUM SALINA srl, having its registered office in Via Scalo 15 98050 Malfa. The notice may also be sent by e-mail, telefax or telegram, and must be confirmed within the following 48 hours, by means of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, sent to the same address, specifying the products purchased, the relating order number and the intention to withdraw from the purchase.
The costs for returning the goods, which shall be returned within 10 days from receipt of products, are to be borne by the customer.  

ATTENTION: The right of withdrawal may be exercised only if the goods are unused and perfectly intact. Therefore, packages that are returned, must be unopened, their cover must not have been removed, even partially, and they must not show any signs of tampering. Signum Salina srl shall not be liable for possible damages to the products, occurring when goods are returned. Should Signum Salina srl receive any returned goods which are damaged or tampered, is shall not refund the amount paid to purchase the goods.

8.     Data Protection
Pursuant to art. 13 of Leg. Dec. 196/03 (Privacy Code), the customer hereby declares that s/he was duly informed of the data treatment modalities and of the purpose of the code, as well as of his/her own rights in virtue of art. 7 of Leg. Dec. 196/03 and subsequent amendments (LINK). By clicking on the icon at the bottom of the general terms and conditions of contract, the customer hereby declares that s/he has received and that s/he acknowledges the above mentioned information and that s/he agrees, according to art. 23, to the treatment of his/her own personal data, for the above mentioned purposes. 
During all transactions, customer data shall be encrypted with Secure Socket Layers, the SSL encrypting system.